Important Notice:

For your security, please note that the only official WhatsApp numbers for Pilates Re Bar are listed above.

Please be cautious of any other numbers claiming to be from our company. Always verify any information received to avoid potential scams.

Redefine Your Limits with Pilates Re Bar

"We are beyond excited to share some incredible news with all of you—Pilates Re Bar has been featured in NOW! Jakarta Magazine! 🎉 This recognition is more than just a feature; it’s a celebration of the passion, hard work, and dedication that has gone into building our studio and community.

From the beginning, our mission has always been to create a space where people can reconnect with their bodies, discover their strength, and embrace wellness in all its forms. Being highlighted in such a respected publication feels like a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the unwavering support of our amazing community. You’ve been with us through every stretch, squat, and pulse, and for that, we are deeply grateful.

This feature is not just about us—it’s about you. It’s about the collective energy that drives us forward, inspires us to innovate, and fuels our commitment to providing the very best Pilates experience possible. So, we invite you to check out the article, dive into our story, and see how Pilates Re Bar has evolved from a simple idea into a vibrant, thriving community dedicated to health and wellness.

Thank you for believing in us, for showing up on the mat, and for making Pilates Re Bar what it is today. We’re just getting started, and we can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you by our side. 🙏✨"

We are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary and we are celebrating it with YOU!

Celebrating Our 3rd Anniversary with YOU!

We are excited to announce that we are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary, and we couldn’t have done it without YOU! 🎉 The celebration will reach its peak on August 31st, 2024, kicking off at 08:30 AM at our Pilates Re Bar Pantai Indah Kapuk.

We’ve already started a competition for our Members across all studios, and the winners will compete in the Final on this special day. Our Coaches will join in for a lot of fun activities, competing against each other, and the entire management team will also get the chance to play, have fun, and win plenty of prizes.

Reflecting on Our Journey

Three years ago, we embarked on this incredible journey, and every step of the way, your support, enthusiasm, and loyalty have been our driving force. From the very beginning, our mission has been to create a community where everyone feels valued and connected, and we are proud to see how far we’ve come together.

A Celebration for All

To mark this special occasion, we have planned a series of exciting events and offers just for you! Whether it’s exclusive discounts, fun contests, or special giveaways, we want to show our appreciation in every way possible. Stay tuned to our social media channels and website for all the details. August 31st is not only a celebration for us as a company but also for ALL—members, coaches, and the management team.

Looking Ahead

As we celebrate our 3rd Anniversary, we are also looking forward to the future with great excitement. We have big plans and new projects in the pipeline, all aimed at enhancing your experience and continuing to build a community that thrives on mutual respect and shared success.

Thank You

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support means the world to us, and we are excited to continue this adventure with you by our side. Here’s to many more years of growth, innovation, and celebration together!

Cheers to our 3rd Anniversary and to YOU! 🥂


Donor Darah Bersama Pilates Re Bar - Heroes of Hope

Pada hari Senin, 24 Juni 2024, Pilates Re Bar Sahid Sudirman dengan gembira menyelenggarakan acara Donor Darah yang berkolaborasi dengan Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI). Didukung penuh oleh Herbilogy dan Oat Daily, acara ini berlangsung dengan sukses dari pukul 09.00 WIB hingga 12.00 WIB.

Antusiasme dan Partisipasi

Acara ini mendapatkan sambutan yang sangat hangat dari masyarakat. Sebanyak 102 pendonor mendaftarkan diri kepada panitia, termasuk anggota, pelatih, karyawan Pilates Re Bar, serta masyarakat sekitar yang menjadi tenant ataupun partner di kawasan The Office Sahid Sudirman. Tingginya partisipasi menunjukkan kepedulian dan semangat komunitas dalam membantu sesama.

Kelancaran dan Dukungan

Acara berjalan dengan sangat lancar, berkat dukungan dari berbagai pihak. Pilates Re Bar mengucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang terlibat dalam mendukung kelancaran acara ini. Terima kasih khusus kami sampaikan kepada Heroes of Hope, yang telah memberikan dampak positif dengan mendonorkan darah mereka dan menyelamatkan nyawa orang lain.


Dengan suksesnya acara Donor Darah ini, Pilates Re Bar berharap dapat terus berkontribusi dalam kegiatan sosial dan kesehatan. Melalui kegiatan ini, diharapkan semakin banyak orang yang terinspirasi untuk berpartisipasi dalam aksi-aksi kemanusiaan serupa di masa mendatang. Semoga semangat kebersamaan dan kepedulian ini terus tumbuh dan memberikan manfaat bagi banyak orang. Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berpartisipasi dan mendukung acara ini!

Dalam era digital yang serba cepat ini, kesehatan dan kebugaran menjadi prioritas penting bagi banyak orang. Menjawab kebutuhan tersebut, blu by BCA Digital, sebuah aplikasi perbankan digital terkemuka di Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan Pilates Re Bar, studio Pilates yang tersebar di 9 lokasi di Jabodetabek, memberikan penawaran spesial yang tak boleh dilewatkan. Kolaborasi ini menghadirkan "Paket Harga Spesial Group Session" untuk sesi grup Pilates on Reformer / Wunda Chair, yang dapat dinikmati di outlet Pilates Re Bar di Pondok Indah, Kemang, dan Sahid Sudirman. Penawaran ini khusus untuk nasabah blu yang merupakan member baru Pilates Re Bar, dengan syarat dan ketentuan sebagai berikut: 

Penawaran Spesial Pilates Re Bar dan blu by BCA Digital

  1. Paket Harga Spesial Group Session

    - Nasabah blu BCA yang merupakan member baru di Pilates Re Bar berhak mendapatkan harga spesial untuk paket 8 sesi grup Pilates on Reformer selama satu bulan.

  1. Periode Penawaran:

    - Penawaran ini berlaku hingga 31 Juli 2024, memberikan waktu yang cukup bagi para nasabah untuk memanfaatkan kesempatan ini dan memulai perjalanan kebugaran mereka.

Sekilas Info tentang blu by BCA Digital :

blu by BCA Digital adalah layanan perbankan digital yang merupakan bagian dari Bank Central Asia (BCA). Diluncurkan untuk menjawab kebutuhan nasabah di era digital, blu by BCA Digital menawarkan kemudahan dalam melakukan berbagai transaksi perbankan melalui aplikasi yang user-friendly dan fitur-fitur canggih. Dengan fokus pada kemudahan akses, keamanan, dan fleksibilitas, blu by BCA Digital telah menjadi pilihan utama bagi generasi muda yang menginginkan solusi perbankan yang cepat dan efisien.

Sekilas Info tentang Pilates Re Bar:

Pilates Re Bar adalah salah satu studio Pilates terkemuka di Jakarta & Tangerang Selatan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam latihan Pilates menggunakan alat seperti Reformer, Wunda Chair & Spine Corrector. Pilates Re Bar dikenal dengan fasilitasnya yang lengkap dan instruktur atau yang biasa disebut Coaches yang berpengalaman, memberikan pengalaman latihan yang menyeluruh dan efektif. Dengan lokasi di sembilan tempat strategis di seluruh Jabodetabek, Pilates Re Bar menjadi pilihan yang sempurna bagi siapa saja yang ingin menjaga kebugaran tubuh melalui metode Pilates yang telah terbukti efektif dalam memperbaiki postur, fleksibilitas, dan kekuatan tubuh.

Manfaat Kolaborasi

Kolaborasi antara blu by BCA Digital dan Pilates Re Bar ini memberikan keuntungan ganda bagi para nasabah. Di satu sisi, nasabah blu by BCA Digital mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mencoba latihan Pilates on Reformer / Wunda Chair dengan harga yang lebih terjangkau, sementara di sisi lain, Pilates Re Bar dapat menjangkau lebih banyak pelanggan potensial yang merupakan pengguna aktif blu by BCA Digital. Penawaran ini juga mendorong gaya hidup sehat dengan mempromosikan pentingnya latihan fisik secara rutin.

Cara Mengakses Penawaran

Untuk menikmati penawaran ini, nasabah blu by BCA Digital dapat mengikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

  1. Download dan Registrasi blu by BCA Digital:

    - Jika belum menjadi nasabah blu by BCA Digital, unduh aplikasi di App Store atau Google Play dan lakukan pendaftaran.

  1. Kunjungi Pilates Re Bar

    - Datanglah ke salah satu outlet Pilates Re Bar di Pondok Indah, Kemang, atau Sahid Sudirman.

  1. Lakukan Pembelian Promo:

    - Tunjukkan aplikasi blu by BCA Digital Anda dan lakukan pembelian paket "Promo Harga Spesial 8x Group Session" di resepsionis.

Manfaatkan penawaran ini sekarang juga dan rasakan sendiri manfaat dari latihan Pilates on Reformer di Pilates Re Bar.

Introducing Coach Vivilya: An experienced professional seamlessly blending her dance expertise with the essence of Pilates.

Dedicated to guiding and inspiring others on their health and wellness journey. 🌟💃💪 #PilatesReBar#PRBCoachbyKPI

Transform your posture with Coach Moredy's serene expertise. Embrace the journey to a more aligned and confident YOU!

Come join us, and let's make Pilates your new happy place!

Introducing Coach VJ: A dedicated professional with an unyielding passion for empowering clients on their transformative healthy journeys.
Committed to fostering positive change and achieving wellness goals together #PilatesReBar #PRBCoachbyKPI

Introducing Coach Eva: Your Guide to Optimal Well-Being 🏋️‍♀️💪

Coach Eva's meticulous yet supportive training style ensures every detail is attended to.

🌟 Careful Planning: Eva tailors every aspect of your well-being plan.

🤗 Encouraging Support: She's your ultimate motivator, cheering you on at every step.

Ready to enhance your well-being with Coach Eva?


Meet Coach Alya, the Pilates Guru with a Heart of Gold 💛

Ready to Serve You on the Path to a Healthy Body and Graceful Aging, Creating a Supportive and Motivating Environment for Her Clients 💛✨


Meet Coach Lee, the mastermind behind transforming Pilates into an exhilarating journey! 🤸‍♂️ Elevate your exercise routine with his innovative approach.

Ready to rediscover Pilates in a whole new light? Let's start your exciting journey today!

Meet Coach Wahyu: Your Path to Perfect Posture! Join him on a journey toward your dream stance.

Let's unlock the confidence in your posture together!
Come join us, and let's make Pilates your new happy place! #pilatesrebar

Meet Coach Moty: Your Pilates Instructor, Bringing Radiant Smiles to Every Class! 😄🧘‍♀️

Get ready for Pilates like you've never experienced before! Coach Moty's classes are a delightful blend of fun and friendliness, where every session feels like a joyride.

Come join us, and let's make Pilates your new happy place!#pilatesrebar


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